51. La Habana

Pretty disappointing. La Habana, which does have a huge and incredible (crumbling) architectural heritage, hosts an intense tourist-trapping activity, as well officiall as underground, to such an extent that it's exhausting and prevents me from enjoying it.
I do enjoy anyway visiting the Capitol, the Museum of Fine Arts, and a bit less the Museum of Revolution and the Malecon...
After to much of all kinds of hustling and a sleeping pill in my first mojito the second night (fortunately with no consequences), I decide to call it enough and I leave the capital for more relaxed lands on the third day. Basta!

Gros desenchantement. La Havane, sous son magnifique patrimoine architectural (croulant), cache mal une intense activite d'arnaque-touristes, officielle comme officieuse, a un tel point que c'en est fatigant et que ca gache mon sejour. J'apprecie quand meme la visite du Capitole, du Musee des Beaux-Arts, un peu moins le Musee de la Revolution et le Malecon. Mais apres de trop nombreuses sollicitations d'emmerdeurs en tous genres et un somnifere dans mon premier verre de mojito le deuxieme soir (sans consequences facheuses heureusement), je coupe court a toute autre tentative de contact, et je quitte la capitale pour des contrees plus calmes le troisieme jour. Basta!

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